Zopo Focus Zp720 Specifications

Zopo Focus Zp720 Specifications

Zopo Focus Zp720 Specifications :- Zopo seems pretty obsessed with the 64 bit of processor and has launched another phone with the codename Zopo Focus Zp720. This is bit confusing as the company has launched the 2 phone under same name but different specification. The main difference is the 64 bit of processor which is been introduced in this device. So do not get confused with the name.

Company has tag this device under a mid-range phone and a good thing is not only in terms of specifications or features  but, the company has also made the design of the phone cool and pretty to look, and the device comes with alloy/glass design.

There are some new features that are breath taking and will surely will attract many buyers. The IR Diode is been planted on the very top of the phone and device itself will act a remote for your Air Conditioners, TV, etc. In terms of camera quality a F2.0 aperture will do the job. Lets have a look at the Zopo Focus Zp720 Specifications.

Zopo Focus Zp720 Specifications

Zopo Focus Zp720 Specifications

 Hardware  Specs
 Model  Zopo Focus Zp720
 Operating System Android Kitkat (Up-gradable to Lollipop)
 Processor Quad Core MT6732 chipset (64 bit)
 RAM  1 GB
 Memory  16 GB Internal
 Display  5.5 -inch
 Screen Resolution  720 pixels
 Camera  13.2 MP rear5 MP front
 Connectivity  Wi-Fi , Bluetooth, NFC, IR Diode
 Battery  2,330 mAH

Zopo Focus Zp720 Specifications


I Usually do no at the design part but  I can wait to express how this phone is beautifully designed. The device come with alloy/ glass design. Where the alloy chassis is at the sides of the phone with glass front and rear to give a high-end look to the phone.


A 5.5 inch wide screen which will provide you a 720 pixels of resolution is been introduced in this phone. A pure HD quality is a sure thing about this phone, the pixel density of the phone is still a mystery but we will update as soon there is th buzz about it.


Design is surely a pro in this device and so is the hardware as the device run on 64 bit Quad Core MT6732 chipset along with 1 GB of RAM. The processor seems really good and will surely give a hand to run the heavy apps. The RAM of the phone is of my concern and wish to add .5 more to it.


The phone looks pretty good on the camera, the device comes with 13.2 MP of camera with Sony rear sensor  with F2.0 aperture and sapphire lens. All these terms which is hard to explain will be really helpful for the crystal clear display of the phone.

The phone also comes with 5 MP of front camera that will take care of your selfies. The front camera comes with 87.3 degree wide-angle lens.


A 16 GB of internal Memory is been provided to the phone and no news about the external storage of the phone but it the previous version external storage is been available. So seems like the device also comes with a external storage.

Zopo Focus Zp720 Pros and Cons


  • 5.5 inch giant screen
  • 64 bit Quad Core Processor
  • 13 MP camera
  • IR diode
  • Camera
  • Design


  • Â 1 GB of RAm
  • Battery Pack

 Zopo Focus Zp720 Price

The device is listed on the official website of the company at zoposhop.com with the price tag of $229 which of course makes it a mid-range phone.



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