Drawback Of iPhone 6 plus Reveled

Drawback Of iPhone 6 plus

Drawback Of iPhone 6 plus Reveled :- Woof..!!! Apple one of the most popular company seems in dilemma with the lost of the Genius Steve Jobs, many users of iPhone bought the new iPhone 6 plus and might not be happy by now due to the drawbacks that came into existence. Being a Apple user by myself i was so called the die hard fan of it. Keeping stone on my heart today i will throw some light on Drawback of iPhone 6 plus.

Despite the the introduction of the gigantic screen in the new iPhone might attract many user but the price might leave user paralyzed, still money is the secondary thing it comes to satisfaction when you invest a bag of money into something. Users have been speaking a lot about the problem that they are were facing and we will discuss here.

Drawback Of iPhone 6 plus

Drawback Of iPhone 6 plus

1) The Bend Test :- The bend test of iPhone 6 plus have left Apple dry, Apple try to cut the weight and shrink the breadth of the phone by installing the aluminum cover to it but they might have forgotten that aluminum is malleable and ductile which resulted to fail it in the bend test and have take a huge blow. The video below will show you the proof.

2) IOS 8 Update :- The news was out that user who have just updated to ISO 8 are facing some problems in there Bluetooth, the update indicated that some of the features are still there that are meant to be mended.

3) Ripping there hair :- That was one of the unique and most wired thing that many users are posting on twitter that new phones are ripping out the chunks of their hair when they hold the phone up to their ear to take calls. The glass screen and the aluminum cover gap is to be blamed for ripping of their hairs.

Drawback Of iPhone 6 plus : Verdict

These 3 are the drawbacks of iPhone 6 plus which has damaged the reputation of the Apple at great extent, Apple soon will launch a new iPad this month which might be of great attraction and GOD know how many test that pad has to go through.

But this has happened for the first time when the company like Apple is in news due to new product. Despite Drawback Of iPhone 6 we personally wish Apple a good luck for the next launch.

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