GTA 5 Vehicles Xbox Cheat Codes

GTA 5 Vehicles Xbox Cheat Codes

GTA 5 Vehicles Xbox Cheat Codes :- I play GTA since there oldest version which I knew is the Vice city and still remember some cheats for the same, to get free weapons or tank pops out of nowhere and many more. My personal favorite was the fanny magnet.

Not only the Vice city they introduced there version back to back where you can play it in single mode or the multi-user. Recently GTA 5 is so far the latest version that has been introduced and hope to encounter many more version by Rockstar.

GTA 5 was released at the end ot the 2013 at different platforms too, but there was this bug around which has cause some serious issues for the user to play it online. Well, there is the buzz the new patch is about to come that will help you eliminate all those error but in this will primarily focus on GTA 5 Vehicles Xbox Cheat Codes and wil surely keep you updated about the latest updates and the patches as soon as they arrive.

GTA 5 Vehicles Xbox Cheat Codes

GTA 5 Vehicles Xbox Cheat Codes

Golf Cart- >B>LB>Left>RB>LT>A>RB>LB>B>A
Buzzard Helicopter- >B>B>LB>B>B>B>LB>LT>RB>Y>B>Y
GT Sports Car -> RT>LB>B>Right>LB>RB>Right>Left>B>RT
Comet Sports Car -> RB>B>RT>Right>LB>LT>A>A>X>RB
PCJ-600 moto-bike -> RB>Right>Left>Right>RT>Left>Right>X>Right>LT>LB>LB
Stunt Plane -> B>Right>LB>LT>Left>RB>LB>LB>Left>Left>A>Y
Crop Duster Plane -> Right>Left>RB>RB>RB>Left>Y>Y>A>B>LB>LB
Limo ->RT>Right>LT>Left>Left>RB>LB>B>Right
Trashmaster Garbage Truck ->B>RB>B>RB>Left>Left>RB>LB>B>Right
BMX Bicycle ->Left>Left>Right>Right>Left>Right>X>B>Y>RB>RT
Sanchez Dirt ->Bike B>A>LB>B>B>LB>B>RB>RT>LT>LB>LB

In this Christmas there are some new additions such as the Hoy Rod Chirtmas DLC which include some new cars and vehicles and you can have them by the cheats that are been displayed above and some kickass weapons are also been introduced such as the Proximity Mines and Missile Launcher. I will try them soon.

That would be all for GTA 5 Vehicles Xbox Cheat Codes and hope you all liked this post and share it will your friends and share the post to show your love.