Samsung Z2 Price in India


Samsung Z2 Price in India

Buy the Samsung Z2 Tizen CHEAP!

Written by Sunita Jain

Samsung Z2

Samsung Z2 Price in India and the latest Samsung Z2 Tizen Specification – It is now rumored that the Korean giant, not content to see its market share shrink in India, may soon launch the Samsung Z2, successor to the Z1. Nothing is known encorede this upcoming smartphone, but this time it could adopt a display of 540 x 960 pixels as the Tizen SDK now supports the definition screen. A Korean newspaper reported today that the Samsung Z1, mobile entry in Tizen and marketed in India, would have already sold over 100,000 copies. So good or bad start? Obviously, this gave the Korean company wants to keep its momentum by proposing a Z2.


Note that this version would probably only meant more to Indian market. An interesting point for Samsung if this phone became popular as more highlights Tizen his house operating system that runs on a Linux base.

The newspaper Business Korea today provides figures just a little re-brand Samsung Tizen and India. So we thought the Samsung Z1 had been very badly received in India, punctuated by numerous comments from consumers who castigated some selling prices in line with poor specifications, sales are not so bad. According to the newspaper, the  smartphone would now passed to 100,000 copies a month after its launch on the market. This represents 1% of smartphones sold in the country in January, where more than 7.5 million mobile find buyers each month.

If it is based on the popularity of Samsung, this market share is extremely low. But if it is based on the popularity of the operating system Tizen, there is nothing alarming though. In Bangladesh, early reports indicate that 20,000 other product units would be sold, bringing the total to 120,000 smartphones now in the hands of consumers.

The latest rumors about Samsung are about some Z2, which is already in preparation. The hearsay that postpone TizenExperts suggest that the Z2 will be entitled to two distinct versions. A slightly enhanced version (Samsung Tizen Z2) and another with more powerful specs (Global Tizen Smartphone):


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