Android 5.0 Lollipop VS iOS 8 Comparison

Android 5.0 Lollipop VS iOS 8

Android 5.0 Lollipop VS iOS 8 :- Well this is gonna be fun and I cant resist myself when I was about to read the same post on some other website. Smartphone and iOS user will surely show a deep interest in this post. This not some random idea upon who is the winner but a proper voting was done my on the favorite website.<> The website is on the coolest places and I am a regular follower of this website.

Let Me breif you and share my opinion on the same Android 5.0 Lollipop VS iOS 8.

Android 5.0 Lollipop VS iOS 8

Android 5.0 Lollipop VS iOS 8

We thought there will a blood bath as this is not the first time for who is the best, but I was shocked as it was a clean sweep by Android 5.0 Lollipop. This particular voting was divided into 5 modules which will be explained briefly further.

Seems like iOS need to do there homework and come out with something better. Lets have a look at the total voting of Android 5.0 Lollipop VS iOS 8. It was 21,312 votes vs 8,514. The result was broken down and it was only the camera app which was voted better in iOS as compared to Android.

Modules :Android 5.0 Lollipop VS iOS 8

1) First was in terms of better lock and Home Screens :- Which include all the transactions effects and the features. Seems like iOS user have not seem something new from past year the same pin screen where as Andorid have a lot of options where user can choose what seems good to him/her.

iOS 8 :– 1587 Â Votes (25 %)

Android 5.0 – 4809 Votes (75 %)

2) The second was which on has implemented widgets in a better fashion :- Being an open source vs the paid apps and widgets, you know what a customer will choose. Paid might be better but free is absolute the best. The same happened.

iOS 8 :- 3829 Votes (20 %)

Android 5.0 :- 905 Votes (19 %)

3) The third was which has the better multi-tasking menu? Well, surely there is a update done in iOS but that doesn’t seem quite enough which can defeat.

iOS – 3434 Votes (73 %)

Android – 1271 Votes (27 %)

4)The fourth was based on the better contact app and again it was the Android which has the upper hand

iOS 8 :- 834 votes (18 %)

Android 5.0 :- 3732 Votes (81 %)

5) The camera app :- iOS user might have a small grin on there face because this time iOS won by 53 % vs 47.

Android 5.0 Lollipop VS iOS 8 : Verdict

As I told I am no-one to judge but as these two a gigantic powered OS which has the possibility of impossible. I am just sharing a experinnce and thanks to for sharing this topic. Love you guys. That would be all for Android 5.0 Lollipop VS iOS 8

Well, comment below and share your opinion about the same.

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