Clash of Clan easy Tips and Tricks

Clash of Clan easy Tips and Tricks

Clash of Clan easy Tips and Tricks :- Well, there is lot of going in the virtual world, when I say virtual world I mean Internet world. If you folks are here I am sure you much be familiar with the Clash of Clan games that had gained a huge popularity. The game is about the raid and revenges and lot of stuff going on under the same hood. I too am a fan of this real incredible game. Today I will share some kickass Clash of Clan easy Tips and Tricks that might be help to you. For the beginners have a closer look to it.

Clash of Clan easy Tips and Tricks

Clash of Clan easy Tips and Tricks

1) The Gem Count :- All you eager player which don’t like to wait must be clear about something that gems are the most essential things and the best part is that it does not get raided so the one you have earned is yours. The most important are the builders which build your whole knigdom. You get 2 Builder for the starter but when you kingdom starts to expand 2 builder aren’t enough. So don’t use your gems as they are only for the builders.

This is what gems will buy you

250 gems for builder no. 2
500 gems for builder no. 3
1000 gems for builder no.4
2000 gems for builder no. 5

2) The army :- Yes when I say army I mean the archers, giants , wizard and a lot more. You need to be sure what your army will do, if you are looking for the loot and the trophies to steal make some ruthless army which might include dragons, gaints , wizards and all the other.If you are just on a loot and want to just need some extra gold and elixir go with goblins, read the description and then decide the army you want to count on.

3) Spell Factory :- This thing adds a new taste to the game there are various spells that you can use I personally like the combination of healing and the rage spell that can cause some damage there. So make your spells according to the army you have.

4) The clan war :- There are 2 types of bases one is the home and other is the clan. One thing that many of players do mistake is that use the same war base as the home base. In case of home base you need to protect your storage but in case of clan base storage is not important better save your town hall as it will help you to save one star and 1 star in the clan war can be game changer.

5) Town Hall :- When I go for the loot I have witnessed many of the players with Level 8 Town Hall but there care the least about there walls and the defense. You need to slow down and try to upgrade each and every stuff that can be upgraded because with the increase in the town hall level the loot percentage increased. Slow and steady wins the race.

6) Use your shield :- If someone attacks on you kingdom and provides you the shield better use it and when it is over make sure you go back an hit the revenge button. In shield peroid go for upgrade time and a small tips when is something is being updraged better keep out of your defense so that you coustmize your defense. The upgrading element is of no use to you.

These were my Clash of Clan easy Tips and Tricks that might help you to be the real king. Hope so see in war someday.

My Name is Lion Heart. Want some help drop a comment. I will soon write a post and making of the defense.

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